عضویت در سایت


              IN THE NAME OF ALLAH

                    shahin nosratzehi

  • manifestations of glucocorticoid excess were rapid and progressive
  • Weight loss
  • myopathy
  • and glucose intolerance are prominent symptoms and signs.
  • Hypokalemic metabolic alkalosis (EAS patients 90% vs. 10 - 15% in CD)
  • ACTH levels in the ectopic ACTH syndrome are high (usually >20 pmol/L [>90 pg/mL]); nevertheless, overlap values are seen in CD in 30% of cases.
  • A 62-year-old man with a past medical history of obesity and HTN, without any previous medication
  • was admitted to the emergency department With
  •  altered mental status, polyuria, polydipsia
  • irritability
  • easy bruising
  • and proximal muscle weakness of sudden onset. (1 month prior)
  • physical examination
  • slight dehydration, obesity (BMI:31.2 kg/m2)
  • moon face, echymoses on the upper limbs
  • proximal muscle weakness
  • There was no peripheral edema, striae
  • At admission, plasma glucose was 452 mg/dL (25 mmol/L), serum potassium 2.7 mmol/L, arterial pH 7.6, and bicarbonate 50 mmol/
  • cranial magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) was performed:
  •  a right-sided sellar expansive lesion with suprasellar and right cavernous sinus extension measuring 22 mm maximum diameter
  • The patient underwent endoscopic transsphenoidal tumor excision, with pre-operative preparation with metyrapone.