عضویت در سایت

Algorithm for the management of patients of osteoporotic fractures

Algorithm for the management of patients at low, high and very high
risk of osteoporotic fractures

Dr. Roya Alaei


  • FRAX and limitation
  • Categorization of risk for osteoporotic fracture
  • Assessment thresholds
  • Intervention Thresholds for Pharmacological Intervention
  • Impact of sequential treatment on very high risk fracture
  • Combination therapy for patients at very high risk of fracture
  • The  International  Osteoporosis  Foundation (IOF) and  European  Society  for  Clinical  and  Economic  Aspects  of Osteoporosis and Osteoarthritis (ESCEO) published guidance for the diagnosis and management of osteoporosis in 2019.
  • Review and update the assessment of osteoporosis, in particular the categorisation of risk to better target therapeutic interventions for the prevention of fragility fracture in postmenopausal women.
  • Systematic reviews, meta-analyses and RCT using  PubMed subsequent to the generation of the recent European Guidelines.
  • Recommendations in this guidance have been endorsed by ESCEO and IOF.